PCD Coating Removal Tooling

PCD Coating Removal Tooling

PCD tools are designed for coating removal.

Depending on segment size and aggressiveness, they are mainly categorized to:

A: 1/4PCD, 1/2PCD, Full PCD. 

B: With or Without Sacrificial Bars or Metal Bond Button.   

Each of them has the following features:

I. PCD tools Without Sacrificial Bars or Metal Bond Button are the most aggressive style and will leave a very coarse profile on the concrete underneath.

1/4PCD Without Sacrificial Bars or Metal Bond Button is suitable for removal of:

Thick mastics and glues, and thick elastomeric membranes.

1/4” Thick Parking Deck Membranes.

30 mils and up epoxy coatings, and any coating with silica sand broadcast mixed in.

II. 1/4PCD tools With Sacrificial Bars or Metal Bond Button are designed to remove coatings on surface like a troweled surface and will not damage the concrete. The sacrificial bars or the metal button act as a stabilizer and depth guide, and reduce the gauging of the floor caused by the aggressive pcd segments. They are suitable for removal of:

Medium to thin mastics or glues;

30 mils or less epoxy coatings.   

III. 1/2 pcd is less aggressive than 1/4 pcd, but has slightly longer life span due to its bigger segment size and it is more suitable for removing thin coatings.

IV. Full PCD is the least aggressive one but has the longest life span.It is very important that the pcd tool direction matches the tool plate’s rotating direction. For some machines, the directions are adjustable while others are not. So it is important to double check the tool plates’ spinning directions before ordering pcd tools.

PCD Rotation Directions   

The following two drawings show clockwise and anti clockwise tool rotation respectively.

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